(welcome "\nWelcome to the Install_AmIRSay "verN" Script\nThis script will install all AmIRSay related files and offer to create a few handy ALIAS's")
(set @default-dest (expandpath "miami:/amirc"))
(set dst
(default @default-dest)
(newpath @default-dest)
(prompt "\n\"AmIRC/\" dir ?\n Select AmIRC Program Dir")
(help "\n\nYOU MUST point the way to AmIRC\'s Drawer")
(if (not (exists (tackon dst "AmIRC")))
(abort "Sorry but AmIRC did not exist\nin the drawer you chose ???\n\n YOU MUST point the way to AmIRC\'s Drawer")
(complete 10)
(set @default-dest (expandpath dst))
(source "AmIRSayPrefs")
(dest @default-dest)
(prompt "Install AmIRSayPrefs to your "@default-dest" dir ?\n")
(help "")
(source "rexx/AmIRSay.amirx")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "rexx/"))
(prompt "Install AmIRSay.amirx to your \"AmIRC/rexx\" dir ?")
(help "")
(source "amirsay.readme")
(dest @default-dest)
(prompt "Install AmIRSay.readme to your \"AmIRC/\" dir ?")
(help "")
(if (= @user-level 2)
( (set guideDST (select (askchoice
(prompt "Where do you want the Guide Installed ?")
(choices @default-dest "Help:" "Help:English")
(help "Choose 1 of the 3 destinations for the AmIRSay.guide\n\nInstalling guide will make the HELP key load the guide relevant to where the mouse is or what page is open in the GUI")
(default 0)
@default-dest "Help:" "Help:English"
(source "AmIRSay.guide")
(dest guideDST)
(source "AmIRSay.guide")
(dest @default-dest)
(set lang
(prompt "Select Language catalogs to install\nEnglish is Built in.\n")
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "Deutsch" "Français" "Dansk")
(default 0)
(if (or (= lang 1) (or (= lang 3) (or (= lang 5) (= lang 7))))
(set cata (tackon srcdir "catalogs/deutsch/"))
(source cata)
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/deutsch/")
(if (or (= lang 2) (or (= lang 3) (or (= lang 6) (= lang 7))))
(set cata (tackon srcdir "catalogs/français/"))
(source cata)
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/français/")
(if (or (= lang 4) (or (= lang 5) (or (= lang 6) (= lang 7))))